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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shift in focus 2012: Across the United States and around the World Dec ...

Shift in focus 2012: Across the United States and around the World Dec ...: As we are awaking on the East Coast of the United States on this morning December 15, 2012, many of us have had a "shift in focus". Across t...

Across the United States and around the World Dec 14, 2012 we had a Shift in Focus

As we are awaking on the East Coast of the United States on this morning December 15, 2012, many of us have had a "shift in focus". Across the country and around the world perhaps, this day we have had a "shift in focus". A shift of disbelief, horror and an out pouring of love and support for families and community of Newtown Connecticut. A community where every single life is now, Forever changed, innocence gone, hearts filled with pain and anguish. Now the most difficult task upon those families, of laying those children and adults to rest. The realization sets in, they will see them their loved ones no more.
Many awaited hoping for news of survivors, a glimmer of hope on such a dark day. The news never came. The doctors waited for what was expected to be 50 or more. They never came. Now the families and community left with unanswered questions and grief so deep, the heart feels like it will ache and cry forever.
Today, a new day, as many around the world still watching, we must ask ourselves perhaps the most important questions. What do we do now and how do we stop, these heart wrenching, unexplainable events from happening again. That question we do not have the answer to, yet, but we have to start somewhere.
As I watched the special report last night with Diane Sawyer, my youngest son, who is a sophomore at college came into the living room and said. "Mom are you going to watch that all night? Why are you watching that? You know what you focus on brings more of that, is that what you want?" WOW! He has been one of my greatest teachers.
We are in a time of almost instant news. Horrible scenes of tragedies, perhaps too much information, to many details, step by step coverage of what happened.
The question we are all asking today is, how do we stop these tragic events from happening in the future. The answer is not straight forward or an easy one. The answer lies in many answers and many questions. Perhaps it is time as a country to look at our past, to shift the future.
The United States of America has been involved in more wars and causalities than all any other country around the world. Our society, our corporate world and our politicians focus on profit and not what is always best for the country. The prisons, who's capacities are overflowing, while at the same time rolling in profits! Crime is a big money maker in the US, with over 80% of the prisons privately owned, with money rolling in from the Government to pay for each prisoner incarcerated. Providing cable tv, steak dinners and medical care that so many Americans around the country go without. After all it's "their" rights as an American to have all these benefits while behind bars. While the politicians in Washington have held this country hostage for the last 4 years, throwing stones at each other, rather than fixing the problems. Perhaps we must begin our search for answers there. This country is broken and crumbling. It is time we realize, we are waiting for those who broke it to fix it. Einstein asked what the definition of insanity was, doing the same thing and expecting a different out come....hum. We have been lulled to sleep. Our Government controlling us with fear. The time to awaken is now.
We must do something differently. It is the only answer. We must do a many things differently to see change happen.
Gandhi said, be the change you want to see. Now we must question, what is it we want to see. Many of course answer "world peace" yet in their homes and their heads a daily inner battle is taking place. In many of our neighborhoods, a separation, people scurrying into their homes each night, with often no communication with the neighbors for weeks or months. Many not even knowing who their neighbors are. They say it takes a village to raise a child, yet in America families are shattered and often there is little community support.
The focus must now turn to one of Peace. One of harmony. One of Love. One of Community.
In the coming days as the 20 beautiful kindergartners of Sandy Hook Elementary school and the 8 adults are laid to eternal rest, we have much to think about as individuals, communities and a Nation.
Let us be guided by the highest good. Let us make a vow to reach out. Let us make a vow to finding ways and teaching our children inner peace. Let us teach our children how to communicate, to be open.
Let us focus on shifting the balance, the balance of fear and violence to one of peace and harmony. Let us remember and remind our political figures of what is really important in life. Let us speak softly, yet have a strong impact, raising our country and the world into a place of the peace we long for.
May a blanket of peace surround all the families affected by this tragedy and may our Nation be brought together in a way like we have never seen before. Committed to being a more peaceful, loving country.
With deepest Condolences and Heartfelt Love

Monday, December 3, 2012

Shift in focus 2012: Holding the Vision and Intention for a world to wo...

Shift in focus 2012: Holding the Vision and Intention for a world to wo...: The Tenth Insight....Holding the Vision The Tenth Insight is the realization that throughout history human beings have been unconsciousl...

Holding the Vision and Intention for a world to work Together

The Tenth Insight....Holding the Vision
The Tenth Insight is the realization that throughout history human beings have been unconsciously struggling to implement this lived spirituality on Earth. Each of us comes here on assignment, and as we pull this understanding into consciousness, we can remember a fuller birth vision of what we wanted to accomplish with our lives. Further we can remember a common world vision of how we will all work together to create a new spiritual culture. We know that our challenge is to hold this vision with intention and prayer everyday.

The Death Card

As 2012 is rapidly coming to a close and 2013 just around the corner, bringing with it new and exciting possibilities. Holding the vision for the world as we transform into higher levels of understanding. That being said, there are always to side to the coin, which side have you chosen in the past? Are you ready to embrace the goodness around you? Are you ready to for a Rebirth? 
Our struggle with letting go of old stuff can be very intimidating for most people. Whether it is physical stuff, emotional stuff or with a relationship that has gone past its “expiration date”. 

As all the major systems in America and around the world are failing, we can choose to despair, or we can embrace letting go of the old and gracefully allow our transformation to take place. Bringing with it the dawning of a new day, new possibilities or ideas we perhaps would not have explored. 

Congress is a perfect example of holding to the old, when as a country, the “Old” is no longer serving us as a whole. Looking at how we got here is important, so we can change direction and release what doesn’t work any more. The problem can not be fixed by the continuing to use the same old concepts. This applies to our personal life as well. 

A very fitting quote from Joseph Campbell, author of A Hero with A Thousand Faces. “The familiar life horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for the passing of a threshold is at hand.”

Many of us have been on a spiritual journey for many years, others are just beginning.
No matter where you are on your path, you have the freedom of choice at any time to become more conscious. You have the freedom to change your thoughts, beliefs,or even diet, right now, for the betterment of yourself and the global good. 

You have the power to release the familiar, possibly unhealthy self, to welcome and invite the change in, Now.
Show up as your best self in the game of life. 
This last year has been one of challenge for many of us, with the last few months being very intense. I myself as many have been facing my past, going through a life review. Seeing perhaps where I have been hurt or hurt others. Forgiving them and my self. This has been a time of deep inner work for me, and I haven’t always liked what I see. I know to glide into a more aware and promising future, it is best for me to be awake and present, rather than holding onto the past or things that just don’t work any more. 

The time has come that we who hold the torch for the future, must hold it high for all to see. Those who are able to see the torch will follow and perhaps light their own. Those who don’t will continue on the road of desolation, spinning on the hamster wheel of life. 

We have chosen this time to be here on this planet. Many of us a torch bearers. Shine your torch now!

Cynthia Fontaine

A Critical Mass

1st Insight Critical Mass
10 of Swords

This is from an assignment from my Mentor, Teacher and Currendera Althea Gray( The assignment was to take the First Insight from the Celestine Prophecy and a tarot card she pick for me. My card was the 10 of swords. 
This was my insight:

A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.

Reflecting further on the 1st insight and what it means to me through the 10 of swords, as I listened to the other cards others were getting, the feeling of “why do I always get the worst card” why does everyone else get the “good” cards! Talk about feeling like the world is picking on me. 
Though I have been through an awful lot, I still somehow keep going and keep going to take what I have been through and hopefully inspire others. 

Also, I have had to be tough since I was a kid, to mentally and spiritually survive! So of course 1 sword wouldn’t kill me, try 10!! This brings back a memory of when I was in High School. I grew up in a neighborhood of all boys. So, if I wanted to play I had to play with the boys. Well we used to play tackle football and I would never let a boy beat me! I held the record of 11 guys on me to finally take me down and tackle me! None of them could believe it. I was a legend! So 1 sword? Ha! 

As we are entering a new and exciting time on planet Earth, the "Critical Mass" is being to awaken. Despite or perhaps because of the "Swords" in our backs. We now have the power to choose to stay on the ground defeated, with the swords of life in our back, or we can get up, knowing even 100 swords won't keep you down. Every part of your journey is a spiritual unfolding, the stress, the blessings, the fear, the joy, all of it. Embrace it all! Look for the gifts in them. Let spirit guide you to the wonderful, mysterious coincidences in your life. They may bring you to a place of such wonder, you may have never reached otherwise.

Wishing for you a Blessed Holiday Season

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shift in focus 2012: Learning from Nature

Shift in focus 2012: Learning from Nature: Today I had the one of the most interesting moments of enlightenment...from 2 Ants. Yes, you read that correctly 2 Ants! I was observing 2 a...

Learning from Nature

Today I had the one of the most interesting moments of enlightenment...from 2 Ants. Yes, you read that correctly 2 Ants! I was observing 2 ants that happen to be on my bathroom wall, they both seemed on some sort of mission. As one was traveling up the wall, the other down, I waited to see if they would somehow communicate with each other as they approach the other more closely. The 2 collided. One sped up it's pace immediately after the collision and now seemed to be running in the same direction it originally was traveling in. The other stopped moving completely for at least 5 seconds, before turning in the opposite direction of which it had been traveling and now seemed disoriented, going in circles. It took what seemed like over 2 minutes for it to get back on course.
At that moment of observation I had an epiphany. How many of us are heading in one direction and encounter a road block, most likely all of us, and do exactly what the ant who went in circles did? The lesson from the ants is, now that you have encountered the road block what do you do next. Both chose differently. One ant now running(if ants run) continuing faster in the same direction with not a second of hesitation. The other stopped completely, seemingly stunned. Then couldn't seem to find a direction.
It is so easy for us to become distracted or get dis-railed from our focus. Sometimes that pause and change of direction is a positive thing. Even going in circles before you get back on track can serve a purpose, as long as you chose to get moving again. When we continue to allow the distractions to dictate our life, to send us in constant circles, we are unable to gain the forward momentum allowing us to do the things we want in this lifetime. The things that really matter.
Remember, YOU are the writer of your life story.
By choosing to create you life by living in the now.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Shift of Power we are just 2 and 1/2 short months from December 2012. The shifting is very much underway. We are seeing it around the world. This is a time for us to awaken and embrace our true self. Very often hidden by drama, alcohol, over eating, working all hours of the day or night and never allowing that true loving soul, that you came here with, to be seen and experienced.
So many at this time say they feel "abandoned" or alone. We have never been abandoned or alone. Very often it is because each has chosen to abandon that small child, who was hurt in some way, by the adults around them. We move forward in our lives growing up and as adults with that little child still somehow locked inside, just wanting to be loved.
When you can embrace this little one and just love them, let them know you will never abandon them or leave them again. Bringing back together this part of your soul, will allow you to begin to heal and become whole once again.
We are now in the 5th dimension and all who are on the earth at this time are feeling the energy's of the 5th dimension.
The ease of your transition will be based on your ability to embrace the changes. We often allow ourselves to be stuck in a group, whether religious, work, or friends that no longer serves us, out of fear of abandonment. As we relax and allow with ease the changes to come, your life will become more in balance. When you are allowing, embracing yourself and are in balance, others will notice and begin to ask, noticing a difference in you.
If you have a pattern in your life, that continues to show up, notice the pattern. Notice at the moment what triggers these patterns. Ask what is my understanding belief?
We can do this, together, and come out on the other side in a much better mental, emotional and spiritual place
Cynthia Fontaine

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Do you know that 1/3 of All personal care products contain at least one ingredient linked to cancer and that over 45% contain ingredients that may be harmful to the reproductive system or baby’s development? And that is just the TIP of the ICBERG.
My Intuitive work has been the big push behind my diving into researching. I am often asked very deep questions, such as why do kids get cancer. I just couldn’t accept some popular beliefs out there, that even baby’s create their own experience, including cancer!! What I have discovered is SHOCKING!!
Not Just Your Pretty Face, written by Stacy Malkan discovered, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel, which is FUNDED and RUN by the cosmetic industry is the group that “regulates” cosmetics. The industry “polices” itself!!! The FDA DOES NOT have the authority to require companies to safety test personal care products, including BABY products before they hit the market. Nor do they have the authority to recall defective or possibly harmful cosmetic/beauty products!! 
This extends far into products we have and use everyday in our homes. Most consumer products are UNREGULATED in the US. Europe has many more safety regulations. Manufacturers in the US are allowed to use hazardous chemicals withOUT demonstrating the safety, or are they required to label these products as toxic!!
On the average women use a dozen products on their bodies and hair that contain over 168 chemical ingredients A DAY. Some applied directly to the skin, others inhaled or ingested, such as hair sprays or lipstick. 
A study conducted by the Red Cross on babies born between August and September  2004 in US hospitals for the Environmental Working Group, discovered SHOCKING information. The study revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the babies tested blood cord. 180 of those chemicals KNOW to cause cancer in humans and animals. 217 toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 that cause birth defects or abnormal development in studies of animals.
Texas Tech University conducted a study of breast milk in 19 states and found that ALL the samples were contaminated with a component of ROCKET FUEL!! Perchlorate. 
The very products we buy and use everyday that we have led to believe are safe, are poisoning our environment, our foods and our bodies, without our awareness or PERMISSION! Chemicals such as mercury, lead, dioxin, lawn chemicals, cosmetic chemical more, manufactured by the companies that are now controlling our government , with there bottomless pockets! Companies including but not limited to Dow, Monsanto, Exxon, Shell, Union Carbide. Just this year Dow received the green light for there own Franken foods, following in Monsanto's’ footsteps.
The right to know should be ours, however, the information doesn’t make it into mainstream media. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! It is almost impossible to avoid all chemicals, but we do have a choice as to what we put in our bodies and on our bodies. Once we are aware, we than have the ability to make better and healthier choices for ourselves, our children and our environment. Every single choice makes a difference. 
As a result of my research and my years in the holistic field, I will be launching a line of ALL NATURAL products, Alchemy of the Earth sourced from the best ingredients available. 
I encourage you to educate yourself and others and make healthy choices. For more information or to find out where and when products will be available, contact me at, follow me on twitter http://twitter?#!CynthiaFontaine
and on Face Book

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The long reach of Monsanto

Many of us have been so trusting of the companies who make the foods we buy to feed ourself and our families. For many years we have been fooled! This will be one of many articles I will share with you. 
The Corporate Corruption of Organics-
June 2003
What We Need to Know About the Corporate Takeover of the "Organic" Food Market
by Paul Glover
Multinational Ownership Impacts on Organic Standards List of Boycotted Brands Health Impacts Packaging Miscellany The Good News GreenStar Education Committee Most goods sold at GreenStar Co-op (Ithaca, New York) are chosen with a high degree of concern for the environmental and labor impacts of manufacture, and the health effects on shoppers.
GreenStar's Mission Statement emphasizes "exercising ecological responsibility and leadership in our choice of product line..." and "being sensitive to the working and living conditions of those whose labor produces the goods we sell..." But exploring GreenStar's aisles, one finds that several of our favorite products are now owned by global corporations which damage the environment, oppress labor, and endanger world peace.
The good news is that there are alternatives to these products, and we should stock them. In fact, GreenStar can use its capital to help start new businesses which rely on local culinary talent to create new products of greater variety and quality. HERE ARE THE DETAILS: € Bearitos, Bread Shop Granola, Celestial Seasonings, Garden of Eatin', Health Valley, Imagine Foods (Rice Dream), Terra Chips, and Westbrae (canned vegetables, soy drinks, pastas, Little Bear Corn Chips), are all owned by the Hain Food Group whose prime investments are managed by companies like "Wellington Management."
Their principal stockholders are PHILIP MORRIS (cigarettes), MONSANTO (genetically modified food), CITIGROUP (rainforest destruction), (genetically modified foods), EXXONMOBIL (global warming), WAL-MART, ENTERGY NUCLEAR, LOCKHEED MARTIN (weapons), WASTE MANAGEMENT INC (giant landfills), PFIZER (drugs), MERCK (drugs), BANK OF AMERICA (racial discrimination) & (animal cruelty), etc. All of the above are themselves significantly owned by Citigroup, "the World's Most Destructive Bank" --Rainforest Action Network. Citigroup backs corporate prisons, Third World debt, genetic engineering, predatory lending, and rainforest destruction. H.J. Heinz Co. owns nearly 20% of Hain: Editorial in Natural Progressions, by Bob Swientek 11/99: "Back in April, I wrote in this column that the corporate suits (mainstream food manufacturers) were overrunning the tofu eaters (natural foods processors) at the Natural Products Expo-West. Well, the "run" is now a full-fledged sprint.
In September, Heinz bought a 19.5% stake in Hain Food Group for nearly $100 million. Hain, the leading producer of natural foods in the country with annual sales of $206 million in '99, acquired the Earth's Best baby food brand in the deal. By gaining entry into the natural and organic foods arena, Heinz may be in the initial stages of reinventing itself. It better...most of its businesses, including its profitable ketchup franchise, are slow growth." Heinz itself is owned by same mutual funds that own Hain, and its prime stockholders include the same multinationals. € Cascadian Farms and Muir Glen are owned by Small Planet Foods which is owned by GENERAL MILLS, whose principal investors are PHILIP MORRIS, EXXONMOBIL, GENERAL ELECTRIC, CHEVRON, NIKE, McDONALD'S, TARGET STORES, STARBUCK'S, MONSANTO, DUPONT (weapons & pesticides), DOW CHEMICAL (Agent Orange, breast implants, napalm), PEPSICO, ALCOA ALUMINUM, DISNEY (exploit Third World labor), TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (weapons: one of GW Bush's top contributors), PFIZER.
General Mills is also being boycotted for animal rights abuse. € Stoned Wheat Thins is made with GMOs and is owned by NABISCO, which has been bought by PHILIP MORRIS (12/00), which also owns KRAFT General Foods Philip Morris Boycott & In Fact & Nabisco/Labor & Nabisco News & pension funds & other € Odwalla Juice is owned by Coca-Cola, part of the Minute Maid unit. Coca-Cola prohibits unionizing: WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 /PRNewswire -- Edgar Paez, of the Colombian trade union Sinaltrainal, was joined on Monday by Teamster representatives, the AFL- CIO, members of the clergy, civil rights activists and political leaders as he described the brutal torture, kidnapping and murders of union workers in his country -- particularly those working at Coca-Cola bottling facilities.
The group assembled for a peace vigil in front of the World of Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, GA. "My brothers and sisters in Colombia have suffered unspeakable horrors because they belong to a trade union," Paez said. "We stand united with American workers to demand that Coca-Cola stop the violence." Coca-Cola paid $192.5 million to settle a U.S. racial discrimination lawsuit in 2000. Fresh Samantha, a Maine juice brand that merged with Odwalla in May 2000, "has already begun reducing its fresh-fruit content by boosting the water content--a way to make juices cheaper and longer-lasting," according to Bill Sipper, marketing vice-president of the Ultimate Juice Company.
  • Boca Burgers is owned by Kraft Foods, which is owned by Philip Morris.
  • Hearty & Natural veggie burgers is owned by Sunrich Food Group, which is owned by Stake Technologies, which is owned principally by Gruber & McBain Capital Management, whose principal investors are Boeing, Lockheed Martin and by Polymedica, whose principal investor is Safeco, whose principal investors are ExxonMobil, General Electric, and Citigroup.
  • Morningstar Farms (Kellogg's) has been contaminated by Starlink GM corn. € Silk Soy Drink is owned by White Wave, which is owned by Dean Foods (5/9/02), whose main shareholders are Microsoft, GE, Philip Morris, Citigroup, Pfizer, ExxonMobil, Coca Cola, Wal-Mart, PepsiCo, Home Depot.
  • Stonyfield Farm (yogurt) is not yet dominated by multinationals, but has "partnered" with GAIAM, whose major stockholders include IBM, EXXON, CITIGROUP, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, WAL-MART, and will be owned by Danone by 2004, which has been (like NestlĂ©) 'breaking code on baby milk for Third World' (1/17/03 Danone is publicly traded: (DA) and has trace ownership by Citigroup, GE, Wal-Mart, Exxon, etc.
  • Gardenburger is getting on the corporate gravy train, with 20% of its stock owned (8/02) by such companies as PFIZER, WAL-MART, MICROSOFT, CITIGROUP, AMERICAN EXPRESS, GILETTE, EXXON. Among their brokers is Patman Foods, a major factory farm meatpacker.
  • Arrowhead Water and Poland Spring Water are owned by NESTLE, which is being boycotted because its "breast milk substitute" causes the deaths of millions of babies. Nestle Boycott & & Baby Milk Action: "These babies are twins.(see photo) Their Pakistani mother was wrongly advised that she would not have enough breastmilk to feed both and so bottlefed her daughter while breastfeeding her son. The girl died the day after this photo was taken in Islamabad Children's Hospital. 'Use my picture,' said the mother, 'if it will help others not to make the same mistake.'"
  • Seeds of Change is now owned by M&M-Mars Candy: "Women are from Venus, Seeds are from Mars "Earlier this year, Seeds of Change, an idealistic company formed in the 1980s to "preserve and spread a diversity of organic seeds through the gritty, caring hands of backyard gardeners," was bought out by M&M-Mars, Inc, the candy company. As Seeds of Change Vice President Steve French explained to the incredulous editors at Food & Water magazine, "I don't think there are any real differences between Seeds of Change and Mars.... whether it's a Mars product or it's a Seeds of Change product, the product benefits are very, very similar if we're talking about nutrition here." --Earth Island Journal, Fall 98 Impact on Organic Standards & Supply Some have said they welcome major corporate investment in the natural food market, as vindication of the value of natural foods.
  • We should be concerned, however, that control of the natural foods industry by fewer companies will result in multinational corporate control of organic acreage and marketing, forcing out smaller regional/family suppliers, reducing competition, leading to weakened organic standards (sewage sludge, irradiation, GMOs). We have already seen the political effects of media integration-- once there were thousands of independent radio stations and daily papers, now there are a handful of TV networks and newspaper chains owned by these same corporations. As well, payments by GreenStar shoppers to these companies reinforce corporate control of other markets and of lobbying, where they do great damage. "If we don't pay attention to the politics of health food industry then we will shortly not have organics." --Milo MacTavish, manager, Whole Foods Co-op, Norfolk, VA For additional corporate link updates, see also VeganBuyout HEALTH IMPACTS GreenStar's Mission Statement: "Emphasizing the sale of nutritious food in as natural a state as possible."

    Petguard contains "Ocean Fish" which may include unregulated non-dolphin-safe tuna catch. Animal Protection Institute & Pet Food Ingredients & more yuck Food Additives is book describing harmful ingredients in health foods. "While not all vegetable-protein products are 100% organic, most of them sport the label 'made with organic soy.'

    According to the new FDA rule, this means no genetically modified foods. The Wall Street Journal decided to challenge GMO-free labeling by testing 20 products labeling that claim. One product tested showed 40% of the soybean DNA in a veggie bacon came from genetically modified plants." Ten Reasons Why GMOs Will Not Ensure Food Security 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where do we go from here?

Wow! It is hard to believe in less than a week January will be over! With the new year behind us many are being lulled into their everyday routines, the thought of the New Year and what it might bring fading into the past. As we get closer to the harmonic convergence on Dec 21, 2012 many people will again be focusing on what is to come.  Of course there are individuals as well as groups who have a strong mission to guide us into the this new age.
Many cultures believe we have a window of opportunity to avert complete destruction of civilization, based on the choices we make, especially in the next 11 months.
This will be a series of articles about ways we can make a difference as individuals and groups this next year and beyond.
Since the industrial age began our earth has been polluted in ways our ancestors would never imagined. Our food crops have become more toxic than ever! Monsanto led us to believe their new Genetically Modified Crops(GMO's) were going to solve the worlds food crises. Only to in reality take us further into a food crisis. Our children are now expected to have a shorter life span than we are!
Organic and non-GMO farmers are struggling, as their crops have been cross contaminated by pollen and Monsanto has sued some of them for use of their GMO's without paying for it!! Not only can these farmers now not sell their products as non-GMO, many farmers have cut down or ripped up the entire crops losing everything. Monsanto farms have popped up like bad pennies across the country including in Hawaii, where Organic Mango Farms have cut down their Mango trees because had become contaminated by GMO crops that are being grown behind huge fences with warnings to keep out or face arrest! These farmers are now fighting back.
The European people on a larger scale seem to understand the importance of "clean" food. Organic, pesticide and anti-biotic free foods, that is way many have banned food imports from the US. Yet we import food from other countries which use pesticides that have been banned here due to there proven dangers!
Studies increasingly show each day how dangerous GMO's our to our health and our environment. The new super seeds have become a huge money maker for the same chemical companies who supply drugs for the illnesses their pesticides create! Lets make the population sick and make money on them and then supply the medicine to TRY to make them well and make more money on them! Hum...
93% of all the corn grown in the US is GMO. When you look at the ingredient labels on many foods in the supermarket you will find corn, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup listed. Corn has become the leading ingredient in sweetened or sugared products sold. It is rare to see just sugar any more.
Pepsi recently put our Pepsi Throw Back. Guess what it has sugar! No corn syrup products! Just like it used to be, when sugar was used to sweeten products. Dentine also produces their gum on a small scale with the original ingredients, no corn syrup or artificial sweeteners(a subject for another article).
Here is where we have a choice. Do we continue to buy food that is making us sick, or do we take the time to read the labels, to demand healthy food, to make the choice to skip the inside food isles at the supermarket and just shop the outside isles. Even better go to your local farmers market. Buy local, organic healthy food that supports your community, your heath and the environment.
As individuals we have the power to inspire change. When we make the choice NOT to support the companies that are making us sick, they will have to change! As long as we continue to buy the very food that is killing us and our environment, the chemical companies have no reason to change!
Wishing you good health,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Top Legal Expert: "President Obama ... Says That He Can Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He Can Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion”

Top Legal Expert: "President Obama ... Says That He Can Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He Can Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion”
So many people are asking the question "What will happen in 2012?" Oh course none of us really have the answer, though there is a great deal of prediction and speculation. This is an exciting, yet nerve wracking time. Change is happening rapidly and the old "Rank and File" here in the United States and in other countries as well, are trying desperately to hold onto the old way of business, as Americans and other nations are finally coming out of the LONG winters nap! 

The Occupy Wall Street movement has been instrumental in bringing awareness to the majority. Speaking out about issues facing the American Middle and lower class today. While we have been lulled into believing everything our government does for us is good for the majority, many have lost their jobs, their homes and their faith. While OUR government has helped line the pockets of the BIG Banks and Corporations and in turn their own pockets have gotten fatter!! 
Our government is too big and needs to fail along with the banks who have gotten this country into such a mess. Oh wait our government is failing! Congress can't seem to agree on ANYTHING and President Obama with all his promises has been ineffective. To add insult to an already insulted population, the long time plan to go into Iran on behalf of Israel is heating up, despite the fact that more than 70% of American's don't want to be at war with anyone and wants our troops home.

This is where we have a choice. Our people, our country, our planet are on the brink of collapse. Can we just sit in front of the TV watching American Idol and the Patriots? 

We are waking up. Waking up to the knowing we have been asleep for a long long time. During that time, Chemical and Energy companies have been allowed to poison our food supply, pollute our air and water, clear cut forests and destroy our environment. While the banks along with the IRS have stripped us of our hard earned money and our homes.

Despite all of this, I believe there is still hope. Hope, that there are enough individuals who are awake and more waking up every single day, to make the conscious choice to create change.  We had begun this journey of radical change in the 1960's, only to get too caught up in sex, drugs and rock and roll to follow the movement for positive change to the end. 

Once again we have the opportunity to create radical, positive lasting change. We are coming into an era never before seen by any of us, or even by any of our ancestors. As we move closer to December 21, 2012 we all watch with great anticipation and with possibly some fear.

Many indigenous cultures around the world believe we are at a crossroad and our future is teetering, just waiting, watching. How we chose may very well define our survival or our extinction. 

Will we wage war? Will we make peace? Will we change our habits to save the earth? To save ourselves? Will it all be in vain? 

Will December 21, 2012 be our last day? I like to think not. So than what, if anything will we change? Or will we continue to be led down a path of self destruction? It's all up to you. It's up to us. 

One of the Laws of the Universe is-what you think about expands. What are you thinking? 

I encourage you today to be mindful of your thoughts, deeds and actions. I encourage you to inspire others to take care of the earth, to lend a hand to someone in need. I encourage you to let your government know we are tired and we are not going to take it any more.  I encourage you to be a shining light of hope.

Together we can make a difference.
With Heartfelt Love,