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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Do you know that 1/3 of All personal care products contain at least one ingredient linked to cancer and that over 45% contain ingredients that may be harmful to the reproductive system or baby’s development? And that is just the TIP of the ICBERG.
My Intuitive work has been the big push behind my diving into researching. I am often asked very deep questions, such as why do kids get cancer. I just couldn’t accept some popular beliefs out there, that even baby’s create their own experience, including cancer!! What I have discovered is SHOCKING!!
Not Just Your Pretty Face, written by Stacy Malkan discovered, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel, which is FUNDED and RUN by the cosmetic industry is the group that “regulates” cosmetics. The industry “polices” itself!!! The FDA DOES NOT have the authority to require companies to safety test personal care products, including BABY products before they hit the market. Nor do they have the authority to recall defective or possibly harmful cosmetic/beauty products!! 
This extends far into products we have and use everyday in our homes. Most consumer products are UNREGULATED in the US. Europe has many more safety regulations. Manufacturers in the US are allowed to use hazardous chemicals withOUT demonstrating the safety, or are they required to label these products as toxic!!
On the average women use a dozen products on their bodies and hair that contain over 168 chemical ingredients A DAY. Some applied directly to the skin, others inhaled or ingested, such as hair sprays or lipstick. 
A study conducted by the Red Cross on babies born between August and September  2004 in US hospitals for the Environmental Working Group, discovered SHOCKING information. The study revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the babies tested blood cord. 180 of those chemicals KNOW to cause cancer in humans and animals. 217 toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 that cause birth defects or abnormal development in studies of animals.
Texas Tech University conducted a study of breast milk in 19 states and found that ALL the samples were contaminated with a component of ROCKET FUEL!! Perchlorate. 
The very products we buy and use everyday that we have led to believe are safe, are poisoning our environment, our foods and our bodies, without our awareness or PERMISSION! Chemicals such as mercury, lead, dioxin, lawn chemicals, cosmetic chemical more, manufactured by the companies that are now controlling our government , with there bottomless pockets! Companies including but not limited to Dow, Monsanto, Exxon, Shell, Union Carbide. Just this year Dow received the green light for there own Franken foods, following in Monsanto's’ footsteps.
The right to know should be ours, however, the information doesn’t make it into mainstream media. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! It is almost impossible to avoid all chemicals, but we do have a choice as to what we put in our bodies and on our bodies. Once we are aware, we than have the ability to make better and healthier choices for ourselves, our children and our environment. Every single choice makes a difference. 
As a result of my research and my years in the holistic field, I will be launching a line of ALL NATURAL products, Alchemy of the Earth sourced from the best ingredients available. 
I encourage you to educate yourself and others and make healthy choices. For more information or to find out where and when products will be available, contact me at, follow me on twitter http://twitter?#!CynthiaFontaine
and on Face Book