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Monday, May 13, 2013

Following the Lead-a Lesson in Control

Who has been the leader in your life? Have you always held the reins, never yielding to allow another to take the lead?
As a single mom for 17 years, it has been up to me to keep things together and I am not going to make it appear all rosy. It was a really difficult, though a rewarding role, trying to control and navigate life for myself and my children. Now with my youngest son just finished his second year of college, I am ready to let someone else take the lead. At least for some of my life.
I have been taking ballroom dance lessons for 3 months at the time of this writing, this is were the insight was born. For many years I have resisted allowing anyone to be a leader in my life, in fear that something would go wrong. Ballroom dancing is teaching me by following even if it is wrong, might not be all that bad! I am having a "Ball", sorry for the pun.
I would have never taken ballroom dancing or any kind of formal dance lessons if it weren't for my best friend wanting to be able to dance with my son, who is on the ballroom dance team at college, at her daughters up and coming wedding. She has a difficult time seeing at night when she is able to go to class, that got me to take lessons. I have always resisted any type of "organized dance" even line dancing. Now I realize control is the reason. I was afraid of not being in control, afraid of making mistakes. What I am finding is it is ok to make mistakes and to just go with the flow, following your dance partner lead. Even if it is wrong! In ballroom if you follow the lead, you can make even mistakes look seamless.
Is there such a thing as doing things right? Or making mistakes? Who is the one who has the authority to say?
We all have to make choices in our lives, that is just part of being human. How and why we make those choices is important. Even more important is how we respond after those choices have been made.
Have you been living half a life? Afraid of making the wrong choice? Walking the path of what you think is surety and safety? Or have you walked the path of danger and living on the edge? I myself have been on both paths, though not consciously until now. Thinking I was in control. My oldest son during his teenage years, clearly proved my theory to be wrong. He was a great teacher for me, both my children have been.
The "status quo" of raising my children the way I was raised was challenged and thank goodness changed, though I am afraid not before the relationship with my oldest son was destroyed. I thought I was doing "things" right. Parenting the way I was Parented, which just didn't work with him, but it was what I knew. It wasn't until I took a parenting class that my knowing changed! That was the best thing I could have ever done! I began to realize I wasn't in control of my son's life, it was just for me to try to guide him.
So, as I write this I am thinking about dancing last Saturday night with my new partner for the first time(whom I didn't know could dance). He surprised me! At first I resisted, than I said to myself and him, you guide me and I will follow your was a lot of fun!

Giving away your Power to Psychics or Any "Authority" outside or your Inner Knowing

Many years ago, before I myself became "educated" on the responsibility we have to ourself when we are seeking guidance from an outside source, I gave my power away.
The first time was when I was growing up. I was told by 2 of my family members that the world was going to end in the year 2000, because Nostradamus predicted it and he was always right. It was drilled into me as the truth and I lived in fear until 2000 arrived. I lived thinking what's the point? Well when 2000 came and went I was relieved. Of course then there was 2012.....
The second time I can remember giving my power away to an "outside" source was after I was married for a few years and my former husband was a terrible alcoholic and I felt alone and confused. My aunt had been seeing a card reader and told me to go to her, so I did. This was long before I embraced my own gifts and learned about healthy guidance! I went to this woman once a week for months and months. At the time, I thought it was ok because many people go to a counselor once of week for years.  What I didn't know than, that I learned because of this experience was, I was allowing this person to manage the small details of my life. I also than learned that not all psychic, intuitive, card readers or psycho therapists/counselors are good! I took everything this women said literally and to the letter! I made choices I wouldn't have made otherwise. Which brings me to the point of the responsibility we have to ourselves, when seeking any sort of outside guidance.
If it doesn't feel right for probably isn't!! Like the time I was seeing a marriage counselor who thought I needed to have a lesbian relationship(which may or may not have been right for someone else, though not in the current state of mind) in his office with someone he knew and that would fix my marriage problems.... I didn't know what to think at the time, my marriage was awful, I had gotten into a terrible accident and had PTSD from that and now had this to deal with. I almost "took the bridge". Thankfully while sitting on the floor of my than, second floor deck looking at the bridge, I heard a voice in my head that said, it isn't you that is so mixed up, it's the counselor, call someone in charge there. Thank goodness I listened and got the help I needed!
We have all the answers with in us, though sometimes we need confirmation of what we already know or perhaps we don't know how to tap into that those answers. This is when positive outside help can be effective and even life saving.
For me this "life saving" guidance happened again just 4 years ago, after a terrible break up that sent me to the brink of despair. Thank God, I stumbled upon Colette Baron-Reid on the Hay House. Her guidance and insights were priceless. It was Colette who taught me about not giving my power away and I am grateful for it today.
Being "Psychic" brings a lot of responsibility. It brings moral obligation to do the right thing, for yourself and your clients. And your clients also have a responsibility.
One of those responsibilities is to be firm in not "Micro-managing" your clients daily lives. It is not healthy for either one of you and the Psychic actually takes on part of the clients Karma by doing so. This means your read NO ONE more than Twice a year! The only time I make an exception is if something very tragic has happened in the clients life and the exceptions are rare. I also feel it is part of my responsibility to teach people to embrace their own power and not give it away to anyone.
As Colette reminded me often when I would say to her she saved my life, she would say, you saved your own life honey, don't give your power away. And she is right!
I had given my power away in the past, I do no longer. If you seek outside guidance, be sure it feels right and that it is ethical and morally correct. You will thank yourself for it down the road.
Peace and Blessings