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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where do we go from here?

Wow! It is hard to believe in less than a week January will be over! With the new year behind us many are being lulled into their everyday routines, the thought of the New Year and what it might bring fading into the past. As we get closer to the harmonic convergence on Dec 21, 2012 many people will again be focusing on what is to come.  Of course there are individuals as well as groups who have a strong mission to guide us into the this new age.
Many cultures believe we have a window of opportunity to avert complete destruction of civilization, based on the choices we make, especially in the next 11 months.
This will be a series of articles about ways we can make a difference as individuals and groups this next year and beyond.
Since the industrial age began our earth has been polluted in ways our ancestors would never imagined. Our food crops have become more toxic than ever! Monsanto led us to believe their new Genetically Modified Crops(GMO's) were going to solve the worlds food crises. Only to in reality take us further into a food crisis. Our children are now expected to have a shorter life span than we are!
Organic and non-GMO farmers are struggling, as their crops have been cross contaminated by pollen and Monsanto has sued some of them for use of their GMO's without paying for it!! Not only can these farmers now not sell their products as non-GMO, many farmers have cut down or ripped up the entire crops losing everything. Monsanto farms have popped up like bad pennies across the country including in Hawaii, where Organic Mango Farms have cut down their Mango trees because had become contaminated by GMO crops that are being grown behind huge fences with warnings to keep out or face arrest! These farmers are now fighting back.
The European people on a larger scale seem to understand the importance of "clean" food. Organic, pesticide and anti-biotic free foods, that is way many have banned food imports from the US. Yet we import food from other countries which use pesticides that have been banned here due to there proven dangers!
Studies increasingly show each day how dangerous GMO's our to our health and our environment. The new super seeds have become a huge money maker for the same chemical companies who supply drugs for the illnesses their pesticides create! Lets make the population sick and make money on them and then supply the medicine to TRY to make them well and make more money on them! Hum...
93% of all the corn grown in the US is GMO. When you look at the ingredient labels on many foods in the supermarket you will find corn, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup listed. Corn has become the leading ingredient in sweetened or sugared products sold. It is rare to see just sugar any more.
Pepsi recently put our Pepsi Throw Back. Guess what it has sugar! No corn syrup products! Just like it used to be, when sugar was used to sweeten products. Dentine also produces their gum on a small scale with the original ingredients, no corn syrup or artificial sweeteners(a subject for another article).
Here is where we have a choice. Do we continue to buy food that is making us sick, or do we take the time to read the labels, to demand healthy food, to make the choice to skip the inside food isles at the supermarket and just shop the outside isles. Even better go to your local farmers market. Buy local, organic healthy food that supports your community, your heath and the environment.
As individuals we have the power to inspire change. When we make the choice NOT to support the companies that are making us sick, they will have to change! As long as we continue to buy the very food that is killing us and our environment, the chemical companies have no reason to change!
Wishing you good health,

1 comment:

  1. Love all of the info on GMOs and prodcut information. We really do have the power to inspire change, and we all have the power to become inspired. Thank you for sharing such positivity and important information!
